Saturday, January 26, 2008

Town Day(s)...?

Well, after a few very relaxing, enjoyable climbing days in the enchanted Valley Liz and I are stuck in town.
Yeasterday we had a nice thunder storm while we were climibng and hid in a cave while it blew over. It was actually nice for things to cool off a little. Sweating on warmups is not so much fun. Liz lead her first 11a, which she claimed was her life goal... woot woot!! (I think she´ll have to aim a little higher since she hasnt been climbing that long) Anyways, after a good send she was feeling awesome and jumped on another 5.11. She took about a 5m fall and landed funky on her foot. I was sure I heard a crack, but didnt want to scare her, and wasnt sure if it was just gear hitting the rock. We rounded up a few boys to piggy back Liz down to the water so she could stick her foot in the freezing water.
One of the climbers in camp is a Dr. but unfotunatly he was on a town day. I used my two years of HKIN to determine that something was seriously wrong, and was finally able to convince Liz we needed to go to Bailoche to get it checked out. We ran into some luck when some Brasilians offered us a ride because they were headed in anyways.
I have always considered Argentina to be very developed... untill we stepped into the waiting room at the hospital. The walls were all falling apart and everything looked very old and dirty. We waited about two hours without talking to anyone. All of a sudden all the moms started getting angry (Liz was obviously in tons of pain, writhering around in her seat trying to get comfortable), and banging on the door telling the doctors to take her it. It worked and they wheeled Liz away.
I was called in about 30min later, and arrived into a room with a very druggen Liz who smiled up at me with her eyes half open and sheepisly said, ¨two fractures... they say i need surgery, but I sure as hell gettin it here¨. Must have been some good drugs!!!
Our climbing Dr. friend ran into the Brasilians in town, and came to talk to the Drs, and explain in english what was going on. Liz speaks spanish, but I dont think the drugs were helping.
We returned to the hospital this morning to get Liz all casted up, and are just waiting for the pharmacy to open so I can go pick up some crutches and drugs for her.
Then, I have a mission back to camp (which is quite frustrating to get to without a car... usually involving hitchhiking) to pack up all of Liz´s stuff and get back to help her get to the airport to fly home where she has insurance.

SO.... thats my news for now!! Its all every exciting dont you think? Liz and I had made huge plans to go down south for some bouldering and to watch (and maybe compete) in a big bouldering comp. Im sad that our time together has been cut short, but glad that Liz is not having any problems getting home.

Hope everyone is doing well!!!


1 comment:

melvyn said...

hi sam
fantastic meeting you at the other end of the globe may be this was ment o be as I AM MEETING MY CUZ Nxt wk. since this a dialup con. it takes along tm. I willfollow you and hope you have a beaut. vac. Godbless
