Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Chillin in Chile

Ahhhh, just how I wanted to spend my last bit of time in South America. Sitting on the beach with a good book watching the cute Chileno lifeguards run around.
Chile surly has the most confusing conversion rate, at 474pesos/$CAN. It makes me feel like im spending heaps more than I really am, with surfing lessons costing $10,000, a night at the hostel $5,500, and a bottle of water $500.
I was quite confused walking along the beach, seeing sign after sign with a picture of the beach, and an arrow pointing away from the beach. I thought, ´why, some hooligan has gone and turned all the signs around!¨ On closer inspection... the photo was not of a wave, but a tsunami and read: Evacuation route. I find myself subconsiously glancing toward the sea every now and then... just to be sure.
Im soon off to see if I can still stand up on a surfboard.

"lifes adventures are the verses adn choruses of your unique sone, and when its over, you are dead" -Jimmy Buffett

Saturday, February 23, 2008

After the worst case of the 24hr flu that I have ever had... I decided that a 4hr hike to Frey for a competition was perhaps not on the top of my list of things to do. Instead, Jonathan, the Frenchie I have been traveling with, and I teamed up with 3 more Frenchies to head to another climbing area close to Bariloche. The cliff was a 30second walk from the tents, and we were right beside a beautiful lake with a view of the mountains.
We didnt do to much climbing, other than flailing on the hardest 7a I have ever laid a hand on. The camping was nice tho, and we perfected back-coutry bread and Pizza making.
After returning to Barioche, we packed up and headed to El Bolson. (Two hours south... even though I really should have been heading north, as I have over 60hrs of bus to Lima, where I fly home from... oh well). El Bolson is a huge hippie town, where we did a quick hike to some waterfalls, and rocked out to a local band playing Bob Marley and Jimmi Hendrics!! Sweet.
Im in Mendoza now, feeling fairly unmotivated to do much of anything... so Im off to Chile to chill on the beach... and do nothing. Its about a 24hr bus ride, but I have gotten used to these marathon busses.. and they go by in no time.

See everyone in two weeks!!! I cant believe its almost been 7months already! Phew.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

excited for...

New things, a good bed, good food, good kharma, ice cream, and a bit of partying!

After a month in Valle Encantado, I feel it is time to move on. I will miss the lazy, easy going Valle, but am psyched for new things.
I plan on relaxing in Bariloche for a few days as my shoulder is acting up a bit, and then heading to Frey to try and convince someone to take me trad climbing. (As I have no gear). I might even compete in a fun little top rope comp they are hosting... mostly because I hear there is free beer...
Im excited to have a good bed after a month on a 5$ sleeping pad. There is even a little bouldering wall at the hostel! (And a big slide... woooooooo)
I can´t wait to get some good Argentine beef, and wine in my belly. Im a little tired of instant rice and fake flavour. (I know, poor me)
Too pass on some good kharma, the little blow up boat (nesesary for getting to Valle) that was given to me has been handed off to some other climbers here at the hostel.


Wednesday, February 6, 2008

esta es la vida

This is the life
Eat, Climb, Swim, Siesta, Eat, Climb, Eat, Sleep.

Its so good to be climbing again. Its been over two years since I have climbed this much and it feels great. My strength is comming back, and I remember why I love this sport so much.
The forest is a little lonely without Liz, but it is full of wonderful people.
Now much else is new. It has gotten too hot to climb all day, so we take a nice siesta between 3 and 7 to cool off in the river, read, or sleep.
I have been adopted by various people in the campground, and so am doing alright without a stove. I have replaced my sketchy 20$ tent with an actual tent, and am much happier at night. Although it hasnt really rained since I have been here... I can sleep better at night knowing that if it does, Ill stay dry. The old tent (which looks like a childs circus tent) had been donated to another climber who has been sleeping in the dirt.

I have another two weeks in Valle Encantado before I head up to Mendoza to climb with a girl that I met here.

beso (kiss)


Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Welcome to Valle Encantado!!!!
Deep water solo
Stacey playing medic for broken footed liz.

(All Photos from Liz Allen´s Facebook!!!)